Wednesday, July 7, 2010

leave it to chance, you say?

u know we always hear people talk about 'second chances'. about how we should all forgive and allow another chance for redemption, for good to finally come out of the bad. how a person will actually turn over a new leaf, lead a new life and make worthy of his/her living, start over.

but then i seem to notice that people hardly even make room for any chance, what more when we are talking about second chance.

it seems to be a culture of 'make or break', no more 'trial and error'. it's often 'show me what you got or i'll show you the door'. i guess time constraint and competitive surroundings make no space for compassion.

no wonder people are getting hostile, self-centered and edgy.

i dont want to be like that. but... i will lose out.

1 comment:

(T) (H) (B) said...

Never leave it to chance cos some jerk will come along and snatch it from ya..