Monday, August 16, 2010


i am fidgety today. i have no idea why. it just doesn't feel right. self-help doesn't help. thus i spent quite alot of time writing multiple blog posts, tweeting and still, i am afraid that i am not heard, enough.

how should i put it? i want to interact with people. i love to hear what people think and see and do, how people will obviously react, or subconsciously behave. how people view certain taboo topics, opinions behind closed doors.

it's not so easy to meet people with the same wavelength as i do. what more people who get what i try to say, voice out. my (mostly)subtle injection of sarcasm in my conversation. you know, people who will just *snap* GET IT.

maybe it's just not that easy to encounter people who are not so rigid with their thinking and views. i'm all for strong opinions, hard-held beliefs, but i just think that one might see/learn/discover so much more if they allow the chance.

there is really no concrete point here. just figments of my thoughts.

square like a box

karen world is square. becareful where you step, which path you take, for you may just end up free falling into the endless sky.



human nature, we resist changes. we make it hard for ourselves when the change is inevitable.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

laughter anyone?

Hi, anyone wanna catch this together?

oh my skirt

the unfortunate incident of a torn tight skirt.

was parked at Sunway to go to the bank. parking meter wasn't paid, 5 mins later, rushing and stopped the MPSJ from issuing a ticket. i didnt get a ticket. my skirt was torn.

proceed to go for an appointment, visited the housekeeping department at SUnway Medical, sewed my skirt.leaving from Sunway Medical, step into the car, stretched and skirt got torn again.

2nd visit to the bank, with torn skirt, signed some papers. lucky thing the hire-purchase officer is nice enough to sponsor me a file as cover. (lucky thing slit at the back wasnt so high as to show my ass, but almost)

LOL life's like that huh? becareful what you put on before stepping out of the house, huh.. lol

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


please go read the comments on this post for good ol' jolly laughters :

anyone wanna catch it? i'm interested

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

i swear to you, my life will get shorter just by dealing with printers!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

i didnt do it on purpose

maybe you should know this:

a fren will always caution me 'tolong jangan lucahkan ayat i'.



u know DISC? apparently i am a person with high I and S, with very low C. how apt.

i notice this: i blend in well, and people like to hang with me, and oh, i am certified emo kid.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

spur of a moment

my phone has camera function.

my phone has 'send picture to blog' button.

i toyed and created a mobile blog via my phone.

at that very moment..

was at the gym, the pool looks so inviting. like it's calling to engulf me in it. and i so wanted to be taken by it.

mobile blog will be active. i will snap and blog whenever and wherever.

i hope you like it

haters will doubt

am currently on Facebook ban. tentatively till September.

if you cannot get enough of my nonsensical status updates on facebook now that i am on facebook ban, pls proceed to my twitter.



Sunday, August 1, 2010

baby steps are wonderful

LIFE is GREAT. it has been a while since i last count the number of days there are till weekend, urge the hands of clock to move faster to reach 5.30pm, wish for the time to pass slower on weekends. it somehow trigger a funny feeling when i see people saying thanks and shouting TGIFriday for the weekend is here. believe it or not, i miss that feeling, somehow. things were simpler, responsibility and weight were lighter those days.

Nevertheless, life has been great. You must agree with me that the 'baby stage' of life is the best. the time we learn new things, explore new ideas, learn how to crawl before learning how to walk and eventually run. times that we were allow mistakes, where people are more tolerant, more forgiving, supportive and open to teach. times where most are teachers and few are competitors. time to cherish, to grow into a SOMEBODY.

'baby time' doesnt mean succumbing to be a 'victim'. we must be an awesome enough baby to take ownership, to take credit and responsibility for all the triumph, all the steps that we have successfully taken or fall that happen. we mustn't blame, fall victim to 'other people's mistake/misguidance/incompetence' and justify our lack of performance. IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOUR TEACHER IS AN ASS, YOU WILL LEARN THE CORRECT WAY TO LIVE, IF YOU ARE SMART ENOUGH TO CHOOSE AND PICK AND LEARN TO MAKE THE TRICKS YOUR OWN'.

don't fall trap to 'victim syndrome' and don't ever ever miss the chance of being a baby, again. =)