Sunday, April 4, 2010


i heard a story, and it was a story of a girl, burnt to death.

the history was brief, her life a misery, ending's a tragedy. i hope she had happy days, real happy ones, knowing that most of her days were hell.

more often than not, sufferings are brought upon an individual by others, some are born into it, some are cornered, some didn't know better.

i'm sure most of you are curious as to what is her story, what happened and how did it happen, but i choose to respect the dead, eventhough i do not know you, but your story touched my heart and i feel sad. may you rest in peace.

i heard another story,recently, also of a girl,in fact a woman, being abused.

it is unfortunate, uncalled for, sad.

noone deserves to be abused, no matter the scale of wrongdoings done. wrong decisions made, and wrong turnings took. noone is deserving of another hand laying on her flesh, unless it is out of love. noone is above another.

i hope it ends soon.

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